Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Noah turns 12


You have passed me in height! I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten. It’s nice having more sweatshirts in my rotation:) You make me laugh a lot with your sarcastic sense of humor and successfully use it to get extra dessert sometimes. We are so grateful for the young man you are growing up to be. You are so responsible and helpful and such a blessing to have as our oldest. You are always looking for ways to serve me around the home and going above and beyond what I ask. You are a humble servant and we are excited to see you emulate the Savior in your life. Happy Birthday!

A year full of many blessings...

History Camp with friends you've known since infancy 
First day of school

Cross Counrty (& Basketball)
School Projects & Guitar Lessons
5th grade Medieval Feast
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chloe is in the double digits


You've been anticipating this day since you turned 9. Being in the double digits is a very exciting milestone for you. You get special privileges like staying up a little later, however, you run so hard you have no problems falling asleep earlier. You remain to be a very diligent and hardworking student. You are a little bookworm too. You flew through so many books this summer and I love how you enjoy different genres.  I shouldn't be surprised that when I suggested you give Harry Potter a second try, that you would finish those books in 2 days.  I have really enjoyed reading Anne of Green Gables with you but I think we are going to cut it short, as it is becoming too boring for both of us:) You are very helpful when it comes to caring for Grace and are quick to care for her. She really admires her big sister. You have a sweet way of coming down to her level and playing with her.  You are very nurturing and fun-loving when it comes to younger kids. You are just very creative and energetic. Dad is also very excited that you have taken an interest in Volleyball and your desire to try out for the ream next year. Whatever you do, you excel at it because you remain determined to succeed.  You are also doing so well in violin and I love to hear you play while you swing back and forth like a pro.  We had a great time celebrating you over the summer while the pool was still open. Your day was still special with your currently favorite meal, BLTs, and piercing your ears. We love you so much and are grateful for the joy you bring to our family!


Mom & Dad

You LOVE making yogurt parfaits 
Oh and you won the chess tournament!
sweet big sister you are...
whatever it takes to make them happy...

one of my favorite times...
and yours too

blocking dads shot
Pool Party
and banana bread :)
Happy Birthday beautiful!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Grace turns 5


What an amazing reminder you are of God's loving-kindness and grace to us.  You are the most loving and affectionate little girl. You love your family so much. You always initiate words and acts of kindness when you see the need and sometimes very randomly. On car rides or during family dinners, you will just announce, "I love you mommy, daddy, Noah, Chloe, and Eli." You rarely go a day without hugging me and telling me you love me.  You love being with your siblings and playing with them more than anything. When you are alone though, you play Doc McStuffins with all your stuffed animals, do ALL the puzzles ALL over the foyer and color, preferably with me.  You are very vocal when you play and I love hearing you talk and sing. You finished preschool this year which was so sad for me, but Ms. Ellis helped boost your confidence and you loved her so much. You are also learning to read! I will miss our morning time together in the car. After we drop off everyone, we have 20 minutes before preschool starts and that's when we talk and I braid your hair.  You always love your hair in two french braids. This summer you joined the kick-boarding team.  You're off to a great start, but you still want dad, Chloe, or Eli in the pool with you.  You definitely are the most attached child, but we don't mind as we know it will be short-lived. We all love the opportunity to snuggle you. Your warmth and dimply smile melt our hearts and we all love you so much! 


Mom & Dad

Beanie Boo"Adopt a Kitty" Birthday party at your request

proud dad and daughter
You and Eli woke up early and decided to watch me work out while you 2 snuggled. You guys are typically more creative, but it was very early. 
We will miss Ms. Ellis, but now you are a Kindergartener!

learning how to take selfies
Noah always happy to be your patient during his free time
You are now Chloe's sous-chef
Contently relaxing with your coloring books during church
When did you get this big??

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Elijah is 7


I think if I could have kept you small forever, I would have strongly considered. Your smiles and laughter have not ceased to melt our hearts.  You are so sweet and tender-hearted and you make my heart burst with all your love.  You love to draw me pictures with a pretty "mom" written somewhere on it or just draw sweet pictures of our family. You come home many times with these pictures and say "I have a surprise", then you proudly show me your artwork and say, "it's for you" with your smile stretching from ear to ear.  

You still love to pick me flowers. In fact, today you were disappointed that the dandelions you picked yesterday were dead, and on your date with dad, you brought me home some tulips from the store. You love to tell me you have a secret and instead of whispering in my ear, you give me a kiss. You are always the first one up, and your first agenda for the day is to snuggle in our bed before school, and sometimes we have time to read together. You are reading so well and I am enjoying plowing through the Magic Tree House series with you. You are very creative in your drawings and writing, but you still don't know it. 

This year you started swimming with Noah and Chloe, and I think you feel good about not being the one left behind. However, you give Grace plenty of love and attention when you are home. You are very nurturing towards her. At school, her speech therapist uses you to pull her out of class because you help comfort her tears and walk with your arm around her.  

You love others well and are loved much by others. We feel so blessed to have you as our sweet and snuggly and SEVEN-year-old son. May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and may that smile of yours turn into a genuine joy that results from knowing Jesus. Happy Birthday!



School has been rough after your 3 closest friends left. Your first playdate request was with a sweet girl named Anna and we went to the park. This is the card she wrote you for your birthday <3

Happy 7th to you and 80th to Grandpa!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

2020 part 2 in pictures

The pictures in this post are very Grace-heavy. I'm trying to make up for lost time. I love spending time with Grace doing preschool at home. I  enjoy listening to your creative play and all the cute things you say.  Grace came into the bathroom when I was putting on my eyeliner and says, "mom, you wear marker"? You randomly give me hugs and kisses and I've caught you singing many times a new song you wrote..."Mommy is the best mom eva in the wold, you are the best mom eva!" And after warning you not to use a knife by yourself, you sneakily cut an entire cucumber and with excitement shouted, "I did it, I didn't cut my finger off!" It's hard to believe you will be off to school this year:(

2020 was an interesting year as we were adjusting to living through a pandemic.  While counts were low over the summer, we were able to sneak away to the beach for a sweet and low key time. School has been very different, but we are so grateful that you are able to meet in-house.  There have been no parties or field trips, and while you guys don't like wearing masks or playing tag with pool noodles, you haven't complained much. Not having swim team, basketball or soccer has been sad too, but it's given us ample time to spend with our family and friends.  Chess club at school still continued so that was something new you guys are trying out.  There's been lots of reading, game playing, legos, puzzles, hikes, more reading, and getting together with a lot of our friends.  In the fall, we were still able to camp and have a fun visit with the Devries who ended up joining us for Thanksgiving. For Christmas, things were simple but we did some new things and made lego ornaments and salt-dough ornaments with the Kauflins.  Throughout these times, we have been so grateful for the Lord's protection and provision over our family. 

And as we enter a new year with a disturbed and confused world outside our walls, our hope can only be found in the One who controls and holds all things together. He has loved us with an everlasting love and his faithfulness to us continues.  He is worthy of all our trust. 

enjoying my last beach babe
Black Hills
Brookside with Teta

My favorite kind of evening :)
Cunningham Falls
Happy birthday dad!
glad we were able to get our Floridian friends outside during their visit
love all these little friends
and love all my big friends 
Kitchen reno complete!

Chloe had high hopes for our church gingerbread contest. I loved her little sketch; however, we forgot to incorporate enough time in the planning process.  She woke up to find what they started had faltered overnight because dad was too tired to hold it together.  BUT we still won an award for "best incorporation of scripture" as I had submitted this display as the "foolish man who built his house on the sand." 
Chloe took my spot this year and made our annual baklava with Teta. SOOO Yum!

And a happy new year starts off with all our other besties.