Sunday, December 20, 2020

Noah turns 11


We are halfway through book 7 of Harry Potter (even though you've already read it twice), and I can't wait to watch the final movie with you once we are done. I'm so glad you still enjoy reading with me. You LOVE to read. You are soaring through books, and we have to close your books for you at night so you can get some sleep! You have matured so much this past year. You are so helpful around the home and do things for me without being asked.  You have learned to avoid and help in times of conflict and set an amazing example to your younger siblings. You play with them so well and they all look up to you. Chloe has encouraged you a bit in the kitchen and your specialties are scrambled eggs and hot chocolate (but not together). You are learning to persevere in things that seem hard at first, and you ran your first 5k with dad this year, and then a couple more after that.  You are such a hard worker and it's paying off at both home and school. You still love basketball and instead of getting discouraged by dad guarding you, you see the benefit of it.- You're first comment to dad last you played with him on a sunny day was, "Hey, thanks for the shade man." You have an awesome (and adult) sense of humor and make us all laugh. You love to quote "Elf'" and "Home Alone." I recently explained to you what a "mercy flush" was and you laughed yourself to sleep.  You are such a joy to be with and so kind, and your friends and siblings all gravitate towards you because of your sweet and gentle spirit. We are so proud of the boy you are growing up to be. We love you and Happy Birthday "ya filthy animal!"


Mom & Dad

Top Golf was your birthday gift this year, and it was a hit (no pun intended)!
the sweetest cards
Happy 11th