Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Chloe turns 9


Another year has flown by and another year of much to highlight. You are still so adventurous and willing to try new things. This year for your birthday I surprised you by pulling you out of school early, and we headed over to a ropes course you've been wanting to go to.  We had SO much fun! You still remain fearless and you helped me many times, and you blessed me with a comment you made afterward-"Mom, that was so much better than getting a present." You said that after Chik-Fil-a, but I assumed you were talking about our time at the ropes course:)

You are maturing into a little lady and assuming a lot more responsibility at home. You are a ton of help when it comes to Grace, and I love how you help her pick out her outfits, braid her hair, pack her lunch and help her prepare her show and tell for school. You're also becoming more independent in the kitchen following recipes on your own. I am hardly helping you, and dad was very blessed by the blueberry crumb bars you made for his birthday. It's no surprise to us because you remain very diligent and excel at everything you enjoy doing. This year has been a challenging one in light of the quarantine, but you have made the most of your time. You love to read and are flying through the Nancy Drew Series which I use to love too, and we recently completed Little Women and Anne of Green Gables together which I loved reading with you. Afterward, we watched the movies together. You are also continuing to enjoy the violin and want to pursue regular lessons and I hope to make that happen. We are so proud of our young fourth-grader and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for your future. We love you so much! 

Mom & Dad

sweet sisters

You don't really like any sweets and your request was banana bread for your "cake". (The m&ms were for us, chocolate addicts)