Monday, June 29, 2020

4 year old Gracie


You've been waiting for this day for a long time, maybe even a year.  Last night I watched you sleep and have come to accept that I have no more toddlers in this home.  It has been so much fun watching you grow up.  You can now ride bikes with your siblings and do just about anything they do. Recently you were praying and thanked God for "my best fwend, Co-we".  She loves playing beanie boos with you, doing your hair, and teaching you new things. You also enjoy playing with Eli and being cared for by Noah. You always want to sit next to him or have him be the one to hold you. You are very sweet and polite. I love all your random, "I like you mommy" and your "tank you mommy's."You also thanked God recently, "for Daddy get off work early and play basketball with me."  Your most recent thing is to "pinky pwomis" when I ask you to do something. We all adore you especially when you laugh and talk because you're just so stinkin cute! You are very into Peppa Pig, and you have the whole family talking in English accents and snorting with you. Family life has been much more enjoyable now that you are older, and we can't imagine it without you. We are so grateful to God for the grace he gave us since your arrival and the Grace that has filled all our hearts with love and joy. You are such a treasured gift. We love you so much, sweet girl.

 And how could I forget your other bestie who is now your Pen Pal.
 showing off the necklace and bracelets Chloe made for you
 Birthday morning- Noah and Chloe passed along some treats and prizes for your special day.
 (written independently)

While your siblings were homeschooling,  you packed up to "going on holiday"

Happy Birthday!