Sunday, February 16, 2020

Elijah is 6


Foremost, you still are and always will be my snuggle-bug. You missed an entire week of school due to sickness, but I loved every minute having you home. You are extra sweet and cuddly when you are sick. You seemed so grateful for me and didn't forget a "please" or a "thank you" with your requests.  It seems like you have been consistent in getting sick annually right before your birthday, so we planned your party a little later this year :) This past year you started kindergarten and you are very smart, and you are enjoying learning how to read. Your teacher consistently tells me how ahead of the game you are and we are not surprised. I think you enjoy having homework too like Noah and Chloe. You pick things up really quickly and are a great listener.  You enjoy our family devotions and very often know the right answers. We pray the seeds we are planting in your soul will bear much fruit for Jesus.

This past year you faced your first challenge of your best friend, Owen, moving. It was very hard but it is becoming easier and you always look forward to our next visit. I think you would still say he is your best friend. In the meantime, you and Noah have become closer. LEGOS have really helped build you together and I don't regret buying any of the hundreds of sets we own. I love hearing you  play together as you constantly build (take apart, and rebuild). You are so imaginative and love sharing the special features you incorporate into your creations with me.  Recently we moved them all to the basement because your room was to crazy and you both have snuck some creations under your beds. And while you love all the boy toys you can adapt to Grace's world of baby dolls and strollers very well. You play the part of daddy very well.

This has been a really big year as you love playing soccer, you tried baseball, and started swim team. You seem much older and I often go back and revisit your baby videos because I truly miss it. And speaking of older, at the age of 5 you are officially a coffee and tea drinker.  Dad surprised me with my first Starbucks VENTI peppermint mocha of the year and left it on the kitchen counter for ME. After I helped unload all the baggage and equipment from the school day and hauled all the laundry out of the dryer, I came down and reached for my mocha only to find that it was empty. I went to dads office convinced he switched the cups as a joke, but he was confused as much as I was. After returning to the kitchen, the truth was revealed. There you were under the table giggling.  I felt like I could have laughed and cried at the same time.  Needless to say you were up very late that night. So along with many other things, we now share a love for peppermint mochas.

Eli, your smile is still contagious and warms our hearts. We are so grateful for all the joy you bring to our lives. We love you very much.

Mom & Dad

best buds
you stopped your bike ride to pick flowers for me
you are my sunshine
 To Eli, From Chloe
 "olive" you!
 your first and very own peppermint mocha
 Happy New Year!
 and Happy Birthday!