Sunday, December 20, 2020

Noah turns 11


We are halfway through book 7 of Harry Potter (even though you've already read it twice), and I can't wait to watch the final movie with you once we are done. I'm so glad you still enjoy reading with me. You LOVE to read. You are soaring through books, and we have to close your books for you at night so you can get some sleep! You have matured so much this past year. You are so helpful around the home and do things for me without being asked.  You have learned to avoid and help in times of conflict and set an amazing example to your younger siblings. You play with them so well and they all look up to you. Chloe has encouraged you a bit in the kitchen and your specialties are scrambled eggs and hot chocolate (but not together). You are learning to persevere in things that seem hard at first, and you ran your first 5k with dad this year, and then a couple more after that.  You are such a hard worker and it's paying off at both home and school. You still love basketball and instead of getting discouraged by dad guarding you, you see the benefit of it.- You're first comment to dad last you played with him on a sunny day was, "Hey, thanks for the shade man." You have an awesome (and adult) sense of humor and make us all laugh. You love to quote "Elf'" and "Home Alone." I recently explained to you what a "mercy flush" was and you laughed yourself to sleep.  You are such a joy to be with and so kind, and your friends and siblings all gravitate towards you because of your sweet and gentle spirit. We are so proud of the boy you are growing up to be. We love you and Happy Birthday "ya filthy animal!"


Mom & Dad

Top Golf was your birthday gift this year, and it was a hit (no pun intended)!
the sweetest cards
Happy 11th

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Chloe turns 9


Another year has flown by and another year of much to highlight. You are still so adventurous and willing to try new things. This year for your birthday I surprised you by pulling you out of school early, and we headed over to a ropes course you've been wanting to go to.  We had SO much fun! You still remain fearless and you helped me many times, and you blessed me with a comment you made afterward-"Mom, that was so much better than getting a present." You said that after Chik-Fil-a, but I assumed you were talking about our time at the ropes course:)

You are maturing into a little lady and assuming a lot more responsibility at home. You are a ton of help when it comes to Grace, and I love how you help her pick out her outfits, braid her hair, pack her lunch and help her prepare her show and tell for school. You're also becoming more independent in the kitchen following recipes on your own. I am hardly helping you, and dad was very blessed by the blueberry crumb bars you made for his birthday. It's no surprise to us because you remain very diligent and excel at everything you enjoy doing. This year has been a challenging one in light of the quarantine, but you have made the most of your time. You love to read and are flying through the Nancy Drew Series which I use to love too, and we recently completed Little Women and Anne of Green Gables together which I loved reading with you. Afterward, we watched the movies together. You are also continuing to enjoy the violin and want to pursue regular lessons and I hope to make that happen. We are so proud of our young fourth-grader and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for your future. We love you so much! 

Mom & Dad

sweet sisters

You don't really like any sweets and your request was banana bread for your "cake". (The m&ms were for us, chocolate addicts)

Monday, July 20, 2020

Florida, Fireworks, and a Fiftieth!

We did it.  A 10-hour drive to Florida with only one stop and very happy and excited hearts. It was a long drive to go see the Devries, but so worth it...

riding a go-kart to get everywhere was probably one of our highlights
 and being with our besties, of course
Danny and I try to take solo pictures...but a little someone is inseparable 
our favorite people

these two
 so we hit a couple of sandbars along the way...
 otherwise, it was a breeze.
soaking it all in until the next time!

We are so blessed to have friends who live on a farm during this crazy quarantined time. It has allowed our church family to still meet and worship outside together which has been so wonderful,.  We can also do fun things like resume our fireworks on the 4th when all else is shutdown.  Mr. Paul did not disappoint us with his fireworks selection, and Daddy and Mr. Brandon worked along with him behind the scenes to make it all happen...

And finally, what a joy it was to have all the family get together to celebrate Mom-Mom and Grandpa's 50th anniversary. These two have been a tremendous means of grace in our lives. They love you guys so much and are the most intentional and loving grandparents I know. They are always willing to help us out and always excited to be with you guys and come to any games or events you have. They encourage you and teach you (and some times bribe you when it comes to math), but all because they love you and love watching you grow. They love to spend time with you whether at home playing games, organizing our camp trips twice a year, and by joining us at their beach home which they so generously share with us so we have somewhere to stay and create all the wonderful memories we have in Bethany. You are so grateful to have such faithful and loving grandparents whose love for the Lord overflows into our lives. 
 slide/comedy show of the past 50 years 
I love this crew
 Grace is subbing in for me

Monday, June 29, 2020

4 year old Gracie


You've been waiting for this day for a long time, maybe even a year.  Last night I watched you sleep and have come to accept that I have no more toddlers in this home.  It has been so much fun watching you grow up.  You can now ride bikes with your siblings and do just about anything they do. Recently you were praying and thanked God for "my best fwend, Co-we".  She loves playing beanie boos with you, doing your hair, and teaching you new things. You also enjoy playing with Eli and being cared for by Noah. You always want to sit next to him or have him be the one to hold you. You are very sweet and polite. I love all your random, "I like you mommy" and your "tank you mommy's."You also thanked God recently, "for Daddy get off work early and play basketball with me."  Your most recent thing is to "pinky pwomis" when I ask you to do something. We all adore you especially when you laugh and talk because you're just so stinkin cute! You are very into Peppa Pig, and you have the whole family talking in English accents and snorting with you. Family life has been much more enjoyable now that you are older, and we can't imagine it without you. We are so grateful to God for the grace he gave us since your arrival and the Grace that has filled all our hearts with love and joy. You are such a treasured gift. We love you so much, sweet girl.

 And how could I forget your other bestie who is now your Pen Pal.
 showing off the necklace and bracelets Chloe made for you
 Birthday morning- Noah and Chloe passed along some treats and prizes for your special day.
 (written independently)

While your siblings were homeschooling,  you packed up to "going on holiday"

Happy Birthday!