Thursday, November 21, 2019

Disney World

Dad and I had this Disney trip planned for you all before we knew the Devries were leaving. We just prolonged telling you to reduce the "how many more days?" and the other infinite questions. We also wanted you to enjoy the time we had with them when they were here and then give you something to look forward to. Success! We had such a memorable time-from the 7 hour delay to the final day when Eli refused to get his fingerprints or his photo taken to enter the park because his Id did't work. Then the magic happened (or grace abounded) and a picture of the top of his head was sufficient. But all the laughs, meltdowns, fun and craziness in between was worth every minute! We are so grateful for our friends and all their Disney expertise (along with free parking, ibuprofen and an unlimited supply of snacks and uncrustables). It’s also so much easier waiting in long lines when you're with your favorite people. We miss them so much already and look forward to being together again.

Here we go!
my heart is still bursting
Makenna and Noah were such troopers as they embraced the walking stages of life
Chloe clearly loved this 
good times
my hot ride
I totally approve
family picture attempt 

my dream come true
We could have saved some serious money had I had known the Tram ride would be this exciting
so proud of our 2 Jedi's

We got this 4 kids in Disney thing
special time
I'm not sure who was more excited to be in Diagon Alley
I had no idea how hilarious the Knight Bus driver was
Top 2 Dads I know
Heading home

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My favorite time of year...

I had to pull Eli out of school on picture Day, and couldn't help but snap one on my own
Lesson learned: Don't jump off a rock climbing wall. But if you do, you get Panera's mac n' cheese for breakfast.

My only photo from this soccer season
Grace's 1st field trip
My favorite part of the field trip 
Camping is becoming less work for the adults 

My 3 Gryffindors, Harry, Ron & Hermione 
Tough decisions
The sweetest and shyest princess
I just love these mudane moments...
when Noah insists I come to the front porch to see my favorite Artist at work
And happy 42 years to Daddy! You guys are so blessed to have a dad who loves you so much and works so hard to provide and care for you.