Tuesday, July 23, 2019

"See you later" DeVries

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh

I feel cheesy quoting Pooh bear, but we truly feel blessed beyond measure to have known the DeVries the past 10 + years.  About a week ago we all said, "see you later" to our besties as they began their new journey to Florida. "Good-byes" are just too hard. Hannah and David got married a day before us and our families have grown simultaneously since then. The photographer I had wanted for our wedding couldn't be there because she was doing their wedding in Ohio the same weekend :) We served alongside each other at church, and then they shared our home with us for 3 years where we began our friendships. It was wonderful having "built-in" friends into our home. Friday nights we would put Noah, Chloe, M and Kk  down for bed and then hang out playing games and binge eat on ice cream. I remember Makenna and Kaelyn coming home from the hospital and the sweet friendships they had with Noah and Chloe. Shortly after they moved into our neghborhood and Owen and Eli become best buddies, and Gracie and Hadley soon followed. We have had many fun times and adventures together.  We are grateful for the deep and rich friendships we have, and the distance between this one will be hard, but we trust the Lord has good things in store for us all.  We still look forward to the next decade together AND to your surprise trip to Disney this Fall!