Thursday, December 26, 2019

Always a Merry Christmas

"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."
-John 1:5

Christmas seems to come quicker each year. I found myself scrambling the last couple weeks for gifts and woke up in a panic attack after inviting 40 people over for Christmas dinner. My cousin was in town and I hadn't seen him in over 20 years. I think I've adjusted to crazy being the norm, as it seemed like everything went great and I would do it again in a heartbeat. As my family has grown I don't get to see my extended family often, so I was grateful for our time together.  I love seeing how all the kids played well together even though they see each other about once a year.   

At the same time we have friends who are suffering and grieving, and although this time of year is filled with sadness, it also magnifies the hope and joy we have in Jesus.  All is only "merry and bright" if Jesus is reigning in our hearts. Our joy is an everlasting joy because the light of the world has come to us and for us, to overcome our sin and death.  Christ has indeed come and reversed the power of sin, and has made his blessings flow "far as the curse is found."

Mom-Mom & Grandpa joined us for gingerbread houses...


1st Sutton/Story/Averill/ Kauflin scavenger hunt. This was such a fun evening. My favorite part was actually caroling at the "unknown neighbors house". You guys were so courageous, and we won!
Annual Christmas cookie decorating

Caught Grace behind a locked door with scissors and tape. She said, "can't see it mommy!"
Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

My mom's food insanity. Always worried we won't have enough food. We talked her down from 20 to 14 stuffed cornish hens (and 2 hams). Needless to say everyone went home with enough food for their entire family for at least 2 days.
Christmas Sunday

Saturday, December 21, 2019

10 years old


Its hard to believe it's been 10 years, but this past season has by far been one of my favorites. You have matured so much and it's so much fun doing things together. I love taking you along on errands and listening to all your wizarding jokes. I LOVE reading Harry Potter with you and staying up to watch the movies. Your bed time has moved back some, so Dad and I enjoy staying up with you to read, play cards or watch basketball. Dad enjoys coaching you in soccer and basketball and you love to exercise with him. He even took you along on a bike ride in 37 degree weather the other day. You are progressing nicely in piano and have been pleading for guitar lessons. You are so dependable and responsible and I love to reward you for all your hard work with my special stash of dark chocolate. We are so grateful for the gentle brother and sweet friend that you are to many. We are blessed to call you our son. Happy 10 years!

Mom and Dad

so excited to haul our 9 foot tree in
I appreciate you guys just wanting donuts for your birthdays, but I'm not sure how many more candles I can fit! 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Disney World

Dad and I had this Disney trip planned for you all before we knew the Devries were leaving. We just prolonged telling you to reduce the "how many more days?" and the other infinite questions. We also wanted you to enjoy the time we had with them when they were here and then give you something to look forward to. Success! We had such a memorable time-from the 7 hour delay to the final day when Eli refused to get his fingerprints or his photo taken to enter the park because his Id did't work. Then the magic happened (or grace abounded) and a picture of the top of his head was sufficient. But all the laughs, meltdowns, fun and craziness in between was worth every minute! We are so grateful for our friends and all their Disney expertise (along with free parking, ibuprofen and an unlimited supply of snacks and uncrustables). It’s also so much easier waiting in long lines when you're with your favorite people. We miss them so much already and look forward to being together again.

Here we go!
my heart is still bursting
Makenna and Noah were such troopers as they embraced the walking stages of life
Chloe clearly loved this 
good times
my hot ride
I totally approve
family picture attempt 

my dream come true
We could have saved some serious money had I had known the Tram ride would be this exciting
so proud of our 2 Jedi's

We got this 4 kids in Disney thing
special time
I'm not sure who was more excited to be in Diagon Alley
I had no idea how hilarious the Knight Bus driver was
Top 2 Dads I know
Heading home