Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Noah turns 9


Tomorrow you turn 9, and you told me today that you are so tired of being eight. If it makes you feel better you are the height of a 14 year old :) In just a few years you might be towering over me.  This past year you have grown so much in confidence and your dance moves don't hide it. You can floss really fast and do lots of other moves that crack me up. Which brings me to my next point. You are pretty hilarious, and it was sweet to hear your encouraging classmates say the same thing about you at school.

You are really sweet and caring. Just this week we were picking up Hope and as she was coming in the car you ran out! I started calling after you because it was cold and you just ran ahead. After 50 yards you stopped, moved a recycle bin that was in my path on the one way street and ran back to the car. You also leave me notes on my phone using more emojis than words, but I still love it. Eli loves everything about you. If I ask him what he wants or what he wants to do, his typical response is, "What's Noah doing? or What's Noah having?" I am so grateful that he has a brother like you to look up too. You are very loving towards him, and set a great example for him to follow. Gracie too loves her "W-oah." You are very good with her unless it involves diapers :)

You are still very much into Star Wars, Wizards and Tacos :) I convinced you to go out for tacos this year and you had your first ever Guapos. My heart rejoiced when you said you liked mine better :) Daddy is coaching you again this year in basketball. Chloe has enjoyed playing with you too and wanted to play as well.

This year in particular we've seen you grow in the area of perseverance.  Whether it's working hard at school, working on your handle with the basketball or tickling the ivories (playing piano) you're learning and seeing the benefits of hard work.  Most people who are successful in life aren't the smartest, the tallest, or the fastest, but have a desire to work hard and not to give up.  We are glad to see you excel in those areas that you enjoy pursuing.

Keep up the good work son!  We love you much and are grateful to God for you.

Mommy & Daddy

I already posted pictures from your half birthday, so here's a few more since then!

I love this last picture. Our neighbors, Andy and Jason love playing with you. This year we hosted our first "biathlon" here in our loop! Great job biking and running!