Friday, September 28, 2018

Chloe turns 7


It is making me sad how big you are getting. I even shed a few tears this morning. I got up early to make your favorite breakfast with EXTRA bacon before school starts, and the smile on your face makes it all worth it. Eli came sown shortly after, excited just as much as you (typical Eli) and gives you a big hug and said, "Happy Birthday sweet girl!" Noah wrote a thoughtful card for you, and it was a wonderful birthday celebration breakfast.

This year you have grown leaps and bounds. You are maturing into a more responsible and dependable girl. You initiate things without me telling you, and you have been extremely helpful with getting Gracie changed and dressed in the mornings and at night. Often times you ask me, "Mom, what do you have to do next?" And once I tell you, you like to surprise me and tell me that you already did it. I love that about you.You are a very nurturing sister to Eli and Grace, and always come up with silly games to entertain them. With Noah you love to do the things he enjoys. You guys started a secret hide out with the neighbors and have been playing basketball together.

You still love gymnastics, and just yesterday you showed me the beginning of a backhand spring. You work hard at the things you love to do. You love slime, glitter, paint, glue and anything else thats a pain to clean up. I have to tell myself I am going to miss all the mess you make. You are very creative and thoughtful. You love writing cards and wrote them to all the elementary teachers in your school this year, and you had fun mailing pictures to your friends. You are a very bright girl, inquisitive and curious too. You ask a ton of questions, and I also have to remind myself I'm going to miss that too.

You are a fun and adventurous girl and I couldn't imagine our family without you. We are so grateful for you and love you "all the way to Heaven and back". Happy Birthday Chloe!

Here's the poem we wrote for your second grade class:

Chloe, Chloe you’re so much fun,
and you love to talk to and befriend everyone.

You ask lots of questions like who? where? and why?
You make us laugh so hard it makes us cry.

You are so diligent, determined, and smart,
which makes you excel in things like schoolwork, gymnastics, and art.

You are creative and busy all the time,
and you love to mix things like glitter and slime.

A loving and nurturing sister you are,
when you play with Noah, Eli and Grace you are a star!

Before bed you always want to tickle,
and oh how you love a Chik-Fil-a sandwich BUT without the pickle!

While you always like to lead and love responsibility,
it is our desire that you love Jesus and grow in humility.

Chloe we are blessed to have had you for 2,555 days,
to God we are thankful and give him all the praise.

Happy Birthday sweet daughter!

Mom & Dad