Friday, August 10, 2018

One decade ago...

began the best part of my life.  I am so grateful for the man I married. Your dad surpassed everything I hoped for in a husband and a father, and I am so aware of Gods provision for my life in that.  He knew I would need more than what I just asked for, and I am eternally blessed. I love the couple that we are and how we really compliment each other with our strengths and weaknesses.  AND speaking of weaknesses, we are both even falling apart together!  We both currently have plantar fasciitis right now and its rather hysterical to me how we are approaching it. One more careless, and the other (eh hem, who happens to be more medically knowledgeable) more cautious. But in things like that we find our ways to balance things out and our lives together have been fun and adventurous. There have been some hardships, but all the joys have outweighed them all. I love where we are now and  I couldn't love our family more. I just love doing life along with your dad.  I wouldn't want it any other way. I hope for many more and healthier decades ahead!

Our plans for a 10 day trip to Italy had to be slightly adjusted to a long weekend to the spectacular Cape Cod.

We watched my favorite part of creation together
We took a day trip to Nantucket 
We rode our bikes along the coast of Martha's Vineyard
and I watched your dad jump off of Jaws Bridge, more than once I'm afraid to say (rolled eyes emoji goes here) 
This was special because Chloe loves Cape Cod potato chips.
And just another highlight I should add from the year, is that dad, along with Dave, did both his first mini and olympic triathlon! I am so proud of him!

And while I couldn't be convinced due to the fear of drowning, I've done my share and the dress still fits!

I love us...

and ours.

Happy 10 Year Anniversary!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Deep Creek Lake

Somewhere on top of the list of things that we are grateful for are our friends.  We are truly blessed to be surrounded by these families who serve the Lord whole heartedly and desire to train up their children under the instruction of God's word. I couldn't imagine doing life without them.  This past week we went to Deep Creek with 2 of those families, the Kauflins and the Averills. Devon & Kristine have know us since before we got engaged and although they left us for a while, we were thrilled when they returned for Devon to pastor our church.  We have been so grateful for their friendship and just the living example they are in our life. (We even followed the boy, girl, boy, girl pattern in the family :) We officially met Brandon & Annie at our park about 8 yeas ago, and then realized they went to the same church! Noah and Nathan quickly became the best of friends and when Chloe and Karina arrived our families have been sometimes inseparable.  Our families have grown together through church, sports teams and community activities. It has been a blast but as we've grown life gets busier and different schedules makes it hard to get together so we carved out a few days and headed to the Lake for a wonderful time...

We rented a boat and ALL took turns tubing. Surprisingly Chloe wasn't a fan, but perhaps she was deterred when she saw 2 of her buddies flip over the first time. 
Yes, that's Gracie!
Another day went for a hike at Swallow Falls and the kids enjoyed some time playing in the creek...
Hoping for many more memories with them all...