Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A post of many posts

I was reviewing the posts from this year, and there was so much not captured. We have had some memorable times. I'm so exhausted most nights that sleep wins vs. blogging. But I went to bed at 8 last night, and and my Christmas shopping is done before December :) I'm feeling pretty good, so here's some things I missed...

Our Bethany Beach trip is always a highlight especially when the Averills join in. It felt like deja vu seeing Grace on the rides for the first time. Just a few years ago, this was Noah and Chloe.


And speaking of Grace, she's getting cuter and more fierce!

Father-Son camping trip
Hershey park with the Devries!

Daddy did his first sprint triathlon with Dave Devries. This was an adventure for all of us. Dad had no idea that we were doing our own little race on public transportation at the same time.  Ms. Hannah and I thought we would bless the dads by taking all 8 of you down to D.C. for the finish.  (This homebody really loves your dad.)  If only we knew (or paid closer attention to one additional sign instead of 8 needy children), before we hopped on the metro that it was out of service for 5 stops, this story could have had a happier ending.  However, we went for the more memorable story.  So after our car ride to the metro, the metro to Twinbrook, the bus to Friendship Heights, and back on the metro to Smithsonian, we arrived about 30 minutes late just in time to grab a quick bite and hop back on the metro to do it all over again, this time heading home.
 They had an outstanding finish! 
 And so did we!

A special date with Dad. Eli looks forward to joining next year.

It's been a long time, but our entire family camped both nights this time around! It was the first time in a long time that the weather cooperated, and I wasn't pregnant or with a newborn. So yes, I still like to camp under comfortable conditions, but your dad put us all to work...

We made it to the top of the falls

Gaver Farm...
 First apple cider donut
Go Alexa! 

Then my little cousin, your Auntie Lema, got married
Chloe Helen is named after my grandmother. She went rejoicing at the Saviors feet before I got married, but I still keep in touch with her sister who always reminds me of how much she loved me. I miss her so much!

 Church Hayride! Thanks to Ying who takes better picture of my family than I ever will. We are so grateful and love our neighbors who have become such dear friends! Grace had the largest apple, and by the end of our 45 minute ride, she had devoured it.

I love our church and I love how hands on it is for everyone. It just couldn't be done with out the many faithful servants who show up every week. We are so blessed! This past Sunday Noah & Chloe helped with greeting and collecting the offering. When both Dad and I serve the same Sunday, you all like to play with Grace and help her get adjusted. Then she cries when you leave, even though I'm still there!

Eli started pre school, had his first field trip and had his first school picture taken that melts my heart...

More Fall fun...

And then there's just every day life...

And your love for selfies :)