Wednesday, September 27, 2017

our baby girl is 6


Right now it is 8 pm and you are whistling in your bed. You are so excited tomorrow is your birthday that you can't sleep. You want to to know when I am going to put the streamers on your door, and I am waiting for you to fall asleep! 

This past year you have matured into a little girl that it's hard to believe you aren't a little toddler or preschooler anymore. You lost your training wheels off your bike, went to your first Orioles's game with dad, lost your 2 front teeth, and you finally started Kindergarten.  You have been so ready, but your September birthday held you back. You have been reading and reading and reading hoping to surpass Noah's grade level. You get frustrated when you don't sound the word right, but my goodness, you are so persistent! You are even already trying to teach Eli how to read and you have prepared him well for all that he has to experience in Mrs. Ellis's class. You have grown so much in loving kindness towards your siblings and have been a really good helper for me, especially with Eli and Grace. You (most times) are quick to share and like to bless your friends with your things when they come over. You also have a drawer full of card and pictures you want to give to people. You love arts and crafts and making things for people. 

You are a very happy and ENERGETIC child. You honestly sometimes seem like more than I can handle. And while you deplete me of all my energy, your joyful personality is uplifting to my soul. You can talk for very long times and ask a lot of questions because you are very curious about things and want to know everything about everything. For your birthday we got you a trampoline to help you exert some of the wiggles out. You also love gymnastics and are working on learning how to do a cartwheel. I can't wait to see your face in the morning when you discover your gift, daddy's flowers and some chapstick of course! We love you so much Chloe and are grateful for the daughter and sister that you are! Happy birthday my little love!

I'm thinking that might have been the last time you will fall asleep a the table :(

 She's starting to warm up to a big sister

 You were so excited you lost your tooth at school, so you get a special tooth necklace.
 A little camping celebration, family celebration at Chik-Fil-a to follow!
And you love all your cousins