Friday, February 17, 2017

Happy 3 Eli!


This week you turned 3. You have been so excited about your birthday. The weeks leading up to it you kept singing, "Happy birthday to you... Happy Birthday Eli's birthday coming uuuup,  happy birthday to you!" And yesterday when we sang, you joined and sang loud, and grinned that grin that squints your cute little eyes. We gave you a leaf blower for your birthday because you love to do yard work with dad. You've been powering that thing all day (since 6 am this morning).  You looked me in the eyes and said, "Mom, I really like it, please don't recycle it." You know me well.  You get so easily excited about every little thing you get to do, and you make sure to re-announce anything that makes you happy as if no one heard.  For example, if dad asks you in front of me if you want to go to the store with him, you look at me and shout,  "Mom, I going to the store with daddy !!!! (!!!!)"

Yesterday, Gracie toppled over and you sat behind her in the family room while she played in case she fell again. Then dad surprised you and told you about your birthday lunch to which you responded, " Mom, I go lunch with dad, can you make sure Gracie not fall over?" And then you scurry along your little way.

You are so friendly and you love to be around people.  You eagerly anticipate Chloe's arrival from school at noon and then Noah's at 3. When Noah comes in, you take his lunch box and finish ALL his leftovers :) You love to play with all your siblings and you are very close with Chloe and Noah now. It's so cute how you follow every move and repeat everything they say.  They are your best friends. They have had your present ready for weeks now. They wrapped you some pictures they made, some of their valentine's day candy, buttons, pipe cleaners and a few coins. You were so blessed by their gifts.  You love Gracie too. You beg to hold her, and when I give her to you, you return her after a nanosecond because she's "too heavy."  Right now you are very into nerf guns, puzzles, trains, and singing. You're favorite songs are, He Who is Mighty and Away In a Manger.  You also love to read books and snuggle with me on the couch. It's one of my favorite things about you.

Eli, you are an absolutely adorable kid and you are just so much fun.  We are constantly looking at you talking about how cute you are and how funny you are. You make us laugh and your smile is so contagious.  It really brightens up everything. I love to tickle you just to hear your laugh and see that smile. Aunt Stephanie said you have little wise eyes, and I think she's right. You get them from Gido :) I just wish I could keep you this little as long as possible. I am truly going to miss your little years. We love you so much and are grateful to the Lord for the big bundle of joy we get to call our son. Happy Birthday son!

 presents from Noah & Chloe
 Your new leaf blower

You ended your night reading with the other birthday boy, Grandpa!