Thursday, March 24, 2016

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring

Spring is here! We wrapped up the winter with strep, ear infections and the flu, but overall it was actually one of my favorite winters minus 2 trimesters worth of  nausea and vomiting. We had a blizzard and you guys LOVED being in the 3 feet of snow that we got.  Eli had a hard time because he didn't want to wear boots and insisted on crocs so he couldn't stay out too long. It was a great week together being indoors playing games, watching superbook, reading, pillow fights and drinking lots of hot chocolate. You guys did awesome playing together building forts and  just enjoying each other...
2016 Blizzard
 the Jedi training continues
 Happy Valentines day to me & Chloe from Noah :)
 Eli preparing his wiping skills for Grace's arrival
 Daddy and Chloe fell asleep on the couch and Eli was trying to convince me he was "seeping"too
You 2 wanted me to get this picture of you :)
Helping Tayta make Auntie Susan's bday cake

Reading in your train tent

A Cherry Blossom! Yep, there was only one tree that blossomed while we were there and we walked the Tidal Basin just to get this picture.