Saturday, September 12, 2015

Loftness's depart, beach with the Devries, Chloe's birthday party & first day of Kindergarten

Where did another summer go...

Our dear friends Chris & Ally, and there 3 children moved out of our home last month. It was extremely bittersweet. We were so grateful to have them for two years and God couldn't have orchestrated this time any better. Their kids are the same ages as ours and have become such best friends. They were a tremendous blessing and brought so much happiness to our home.  Caleb became Noah's closest friend and the two were inseparable. He has been so influential in Noah's life and helped Noah grow in many ways. He was quite the encourager too, always cheerful and always a joy to have around. If I could sum up their times together I would say, lego & bikes. Carly and Chloe were best friends too, and I even miss the little "dramas" they had.  They both loved to play dress up and put on lip stick together and compliment each other on their outfits for the day. Even Eli and Judah had a few playdates before they left. He still goes to our basement door asking for "dah-dah." And let me not forget Chris an Ally. Praise God they are dear friends, and we are still in the same church. I am so grateful for their friendship to us through their wise counsel and their care during tough times. Ally has become a close friend of mine. What anyone would immediately learn about Ally is that she is rooted in the word of God.  She breathes and speaks scripture and no matter what I bring to her I can always trust that she will speak out of truth and love. She has encouraged my soul many times and I don't know what I would have done without her on several occasions.  I have grown in my love for God's word because of her.  I'm so glad they only moved 20 minutes away :)
I miss Caleb at our window trying to get Noah's attention without getting mine :)
all the day long...
last date night for Chris & Ally, and our last night with their kiddos
Eli wanted to give Judah his bottle that night

Our summer continued for just a couple more weeks...

Eli loves mommy's mochas
I found Noah trying to teach Eli how to ride a bike
frantically looking for missing Eli and found him in the garage sitting in his stroller saying "walk"to anyone who would hear
Noah had his first O's game with Dad, Korey, & Devon

We went one last time at the beach this time with the Devries. And while we were there Chloe had mentioned she wanted a birthday party with Makenna and Kaelyn, so with the help of Hannah who crowned her princess for the day, we picked up some lip gloss, nail polish and gum and threw her what I think might have been her best party yet...


When we came back, I sent my baby off to Kindergarten...

And he went with his best buddy...

And Chloe couldn't describe any better how I feel after the first week of school & preschool ...

(yes, she's asleep)