Monday, March 30, 2015

pj's & ice cream

Anywhere there's free we are there, and so are the Devries. One of our favorite pastimes with the Devries is eating ice cream together.  Our metabolism is a bit slower than theirs, so we have to eat a little less than they do. The kids had a great time eating free ice cream in their pjs in 40 degree weather at Brusters.  We hope to do it again next year! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

deleting pictures

Danny and I are big purgers, even when it comes to photos. Sometimes it's just hard to narrow down so many pictures down to a reasonable amount. How many pictures of Chloe in Noah's hat do we need?...
that face!
 that expression!!
 that dimple!!!

Needless to say i kept them all. I want to look back at ALL their cuteness.