Monday, February 16, 2015

Eli is 1


I have a lot of memories from this past year I don't think I'll forget, at least not for a while. I tried really hard to remember and truly cherish the many moments I had with my potentially last baby, both fun memories and even the difficult ones.  You definitely have been babied this past year, and I have made you a momma's boy. (I love that you prefer me over daddy right now).  I love how you giggle when you see me, how content you are as long as I'm holding you, and how you put your head on my shoulder when you aren't feeling well. You have been the most snuggly of the 3 and I don't want you to outgrow my arms. You have a very contagious smile. Your eyes from little rainbows when you smile and you always throw in a giggle when people greet you.  Although you are a momma's boy I do have a close competitor, Tayta. You have learned to say "dada" and even "tt-tt ", and still no "mama."  When Tayta comes you get so excited you just laugh and reach out to her. She has made sure you haven't missed out on any attention as the 3rd child, and she has definitely made sure you haven't missed any meals or an ounce of milk.  You are finally eating well and eating everything. It''s been hard for you as you have been teething your whole first year! You have somewhere around 10 teeth already! We also moved you to Noah's room, and I love how you stand in the crib facing him trying to babble with him.  You have lots of energy and you have to know what is going on all the time.  And if I am feeding you with the rest of us, you only want to eat what we are eating. You really only cry when you need something, when you come out from splashing in the bath tub, and when Chloe is less than 1 foot away from you. (She really does love you).

This past year has been very enjoyable having you in our family. I imagined for a long time what you might be like, and I just love how the Lord always blesses beyond my imagination.  You have been a constant reminder to me of his faithful care to me, which has given me faith to trust in what He wills for our family.  I am very grateful for the kindness of the Lord to allow us to have you in our lives along with Noah and Chloe.  Our love for you seems immeasurable, and yet it will never amount to the love that Jesus has for you.  I look forward to telling you more about him and all that he has done for mommy & daddy. We love you.

First we celebrated Grandpa...
And then you..