Saturday, August 30, 2014


Noah wrote his name today
and Chloe loves her new flats

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Eli at 6 months

My sweet & smiley baby,  I love snuggling with you.  I love your big smile when you see me.  I love how you reach for my face and squeeze my neck.  I love all your chubs. I love kissing you to laughter.  I love you.

Monday, August 11, 2014

6 years

I woke up to these on Sunday. It's been so hard to think for the next minute lately, and Danny's thoughtfulness brought me to tears!  

Friday, August 1, 2014

Dannys Club Trip 2014

I just came across these pictures and never posted the fact that Danny had an amazing year last year and because of the kindness of the Lord and his hard work we were able to go to Cabo, Mexico! I didn't take any pictures but Hannah had sent me these two.  It was a little more constricting with a 5 month old at the time, but also fun because the Rohwer's and the Devries were with us, and of course little Owen too! Aside from the food poisoning that struck many, including Hannah, and a red eye flight home, it was a very relaxing and refreshing weekend. It was a very timely vacation in my postpartum months.

 pirate theme party night that no one was super excited about
hanging out by the pool