Wednesday, February 12, 2014

funny Noah saying

We've been talking about Eli for so long.  It really has been a long time of waiting especially for Danny and I.  We were hoping he would come early, but right now I am praying he doesn't come tonight as we are in the midst of a snow storm.  Anyways, the plan is for me to be induced this coming Monday and so tonight Danny was putting Noah to bed...

Danny: Ok Noah in a few days you are going to meet Eli.
Noah (with a distraught face & voice):  Daddy I don't want to meet Eli.  I don't want to go in mommy's belly.

I'm convinced the kids don't believe that he is ever coming out.

Monday, February 10, 2014

night time with Chloe


Last night I put you in bed and you clearly were not tired.  You were jumping up and down laughing. Every 10 seconds you asked for something so I wouldn't leave.  I was laughing too.  Finally I told you it was night time and I had to leave.  Once I got to the door, there was one more "mom!" I looked at you and softly you said, "I love you."  You made me smile big.  I think that was your first time initiating those words. :)