Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chloe is 2!


What fun and laughter you have brought to our family the past two years.  You are so fun to watch and talk to.  You love to be acknowledged for every little thing you do, and you need verbal affirmation that we are watching.  You love to jump everywhere, hence why you broke your arm somewhere along the line. You are fearless and way too adventurous, just like your daddy. You have given me several palpitations. You can talk so much!  (Also, just like you're daddy).  Anytime it's quiet in the car,  you yell, "mommy!, and I say "yes, Chloe", and you respond with a simple, "hey."  You are very persistent and demanding when you want something.  You are so friendly and affectionate. You love babies, and you love to kiss them, especially when they are crying.  Some are afraid of you because you knock them over with your hugs :)   You love to play with Noah, and you actually follow his instructions.  You love to read books with him and learn from him. You love to jump on him and laugh with him. You are super social and love-able.  But you are most loved by daddy, Noah and I.  Happy Birthday my sweet, pretty girl!

have I mentioned how beautiful I think you are!

birthday morning

 loving our buddies

 your favorite gift, Esme's picture :)