Tuesday, June 25, 2013

an hour in the life of Chloe

We had a lovely breakfast at the Rio's Corner Bakery. Noah, Chloe and I headed to the gazebo to watch the ducks while Danny took our trash in.  A few minutes into watching, I walked away for a quick second to see if Danny knew where we were.  I think about 2 steps later I hear Chloe, "Oh no, boot (her word for shoe) bye-bye, boot bye-bye!" I looked down and Chloe has one shoe on, and sure enough Noah informs me that Chloe's croc is swimming. I had to laugh (I think I knew Danny would find a way to rescue her shoe).  Danny arrives and the croc slowly kept drifting to the center.  
This croc is an important investment to us. Our kids were crocs, and only crocs, 3 out of the 4 seasons a year.  We still had 2 seasons to go. We thought we could just wait & do the paddle boats which didn't open for another 2 hours. On our way to the boats we ran into maintenance people, and they had a genius and probably illegal idea. He through these massive rocks past the shoe, and the ripples they created drew the croc to shore-15 rocks later.  Ahhhh.

 drifting away
 rescuers at the scene
Cinderella's shoe finds it's rightful owner :)