Friday, May 31, 2013

Catching up...

I have so much catching up to do...

Noah started school in January.  He absolutely loved it.  He learned so much in such a short period of time. He was always so chatty on the way home from the excitement.  I loved all the crafts that he has made that have turned into my wall decor.  One day on the way home, he showed me what he made, and said, "Daddy's gonna love it!"

We did our annual trip to the Cherry Blossoms as a family this year.  We packed a picnic lunch and the kids enjoyed being outside all afternoon.  Noah enjoyed watching all the airplanes and seeing all the diggers at the different construction sites.  Chloe was just happy to be out and about.  She loves stroller rides. She often hops into our stroller in our garage, and says "bye!!!" AND yes that needed all 3 exclamation points. So Noah will push her back & forth on our sidewalk. Anyways, although only two trees had blossomed when we went, we kept our tradition!

We also took a family trip with the Devries' to Great Wolf Lodge, and the kids actually did great and had a great time.  Danny and I had a blast going down all the slides too when we got a chance.  Noah loved the wave pool and the slides, and Chloe could have played in the water all day.  She was too fearless, and it was a fight at times to convince her that we had to hold her in 4 foot water :)  It was a good time getting our kids who had been cooped up and sick all winter out, especially out with there best buddies.

And finally, we've been waiting a year for our trip to our Hawaii.  Thanks to Danny's really hard work, he had a successful year at Dell last year and were able to go on the club trip.  My mom was suppose to watch the kiddos, but broke her shoulder a couple months ago. We weren't sure we were going to go until a few days prior when the babysitting situation all worked out. My trooper mom still made it out for the week just to be a familiar face to the kids, and did more than she should have to care for them. I love her so much!

Anyways, I say that all because I was so discouraged about going and definitely had doubts.  I'm SO grateful that it all worked out. I think the best part of the trip was that our good friends (and neighbors!) Paul & Lauren went with us.  We created good memories relaxing, drinking "moi tais," going down water slides 10 consecutive times as 5 year olds, dancing to the 80's, chanting songs with our French friends, and just eating & spending all the cash that was given to us.  We really love every minute we get to spend with them.  More importantly, the last month or so for me have been marked with so much sadness and anxiety.  It was so good to have time undistracted time to relax and be with good company.  I don' think it was coincidence that Paul & Lauren moved into our neighborhood shortly before we miscarried. We have benefited so much from their care and friendship to us.

 80's Party!

Then there's every day life.
falling in love with our little girl


Chloe went through a phase where ALL she wanted was ice ALL the time.  She would scream "I!" until she got her wish.

being a good brother
Noah wants to be outside all the time.  He comes to our room at 6 am and asks if he can outside.  We've eaten breakfast and lunch out there because he doesn't want to come in.  Its the first thing he asks for when he wakes up.  And when Danny comes home every day from work he asks if he can mow the lawn.  Yesterday he so badly wanted to mow, and Danny had already mowed a few days ago, that we just went ahead and mowed the neighbors yard! He loves the to mow, weed-whack and then blow the grass.