Monday, March 4, 2013

"Elijah or Emma?"

February was a rough month.  The kids and myself were sick so much and ALL our plans got cancelled.  Literally every weekend I went in my calendar and just deleted the plans. Need I mention my fall into self-pity. Then I came to the last week of February and deleted, "Elijah or Emma?"  That was the week we were suppose to find out who would be the next addition.  It's hard not to think I would have been half way there.  I still find myself tearful at times, clinging tightly to my will.  It's a fight to look upward and not inward. Yet God has been faithful to remind me how His ways are much higher than mine. Looking back at times of trial, the wisdom of God is the one attribute that brings me the most comfort.  I don't need to look further than the cross.  That is where God's greatest wisdom for my life was displayed for me to see.  There I received undeserved love and mercy from the God I trust in.  And that unsearchable wisdom is the same wisdom that plans all the details of all my days.  This wisdom is perfect and I know He is withholding nothing good from me.