Thursday, August 2, 2012

No better way to end the day

I had a rough evening today.  Once the kids were down, I started to clean up after dinner.  I haven't been turning on the monitors much lately.  Noah, as of this week, comes downstairs when he is up and proudly says, "I get out of the bed by myself mommy."  He just figured out he can climb over his bedrails :) And Chloe was born with quite a set of lungs, and she will make sure everyone knows when she's up.
Anyways, I like to turn on the monitors now just to hear their sweet voices when they put themselves to sleep.  Chloe hums herself to sleep with an occasional "yaya."  And Noah has become a little musician.  He loves to sleep with his guitar and sing to sleep.  And tonight, he cared for my soul reminding me as he sang, "God is so good, so gooood to me!" and repeated it over and over for 20 minutes.  It was just what I needed. Thank you buddy for reminding me of truth this evening.