Wednesday, July 18, 2012


A couple weeks ago we flew to Missouri to visit our good friends Jerry & Emily, and their 2 boys Grant & Harper.  We had such a great time and the kids had so much fun together.  I think the highlight was when Emily's parents kindly watched all 4 kids (during waking hours) while we went out for dinner at a really yummy restaurant.  It was great catching up with them and we both really wished they lived closer.  Despite our distance, no direct flights and increasing number of children, we hope to get together again!

Chloe misses Harper
And this picture here (above) has it's own story.  Noah really enjoyed this car ride.  It was 50 cents well spent (so we thought).  We later realized that it wasn't only the car ride that he enjoyed, but the process of putting the coins in the machine was most exhilarating. Here's how we know.  I often let Noah play in our car while I'm in the kitchen doing something.  I can see him through the garage door, and he can pretend he's driving for a good 30 minutes.  (When I later go to use the car, all the signals, lights and wipers go off.) Anyway, he had an exceptionally good time the day after we returned from MO. It was 90 degree weather and I had to force him inside our home.

The following day I took the kids out and was disappointed to find the CD player not working properly.  That's odd for a Toyota, I thought.  I let Danny know, and being the handy man that we think he is, he quickly discovered the problem.  He had me peek inside the cassette player, and there I saw the shining edges of what was once my toll money jammed inside.  EVERY SINGLE COIN. Danny spent 2 hours taking 4 dollars worth of change out, and they weren't all quarters :) Good thing real cars don't start that way! Until next time...