Monday, February 27, 2012


I'm so glad this month is at it's end. March makes me feel that spring is around the corner, and I've been waiting for daylight savings since October. This month was a rough one as I was sick most of the time. Danny and my mom did an amazing job caring for me. My mom made the best chicken soup in the world. I could've lived off of it for the rest of my life. It was hard trying to tell Noah that mommy couldn't play or snuggle up in bed with him. One thing I appreciated was the get well cards Danny and Noah drew for me. Noah burst through our bedroom doors after one of my naps, saying "ayplay (airplane), mommy, see ayplay!" while pointing to his picture. Danny also taught Noah how to pray for me while I was sick. I put him down last night with Danny, and we asked him who he wanted to pray for, and he responded, "a-kowee, a-mommy, a-daddy." We've begun a little scripture memory and are working on Ephesians 6:1. He really likes it too. He'll see the Bible and say, "the Lord?," so I'll say the verse and have him repeat me one word at a time.

And little Chloe is growing so quickly. She is 5 months, and is really making me love having a little girl. Noah would go to anyone at anytime, but Chloe loves being with me. She makes me feel special :) But now we're trying to get her to like Teta because mommy and daddy need to go out. She squeals and chats a lot, and it doesn't take much to make her happy. She loves watching Noah ALL the time, especially if he's dancing. He can really make her laugh. She loves tummy time and has already rolled from her tummy to her back. I remember that was such a huge deal with Noah because it took him forever since he was so chunky :) She is an absolute joy and I can't get enough of her.

I cannot end this post without giving thanks to my best friend.
Danny, I am so grateful for how you compassionately cared for me this month. Thank you for being so sacrificial. You cancelled all your plans and even put your work aside to serve your family. I was sorry you had to use your sick time, but I know you weren't. Thank you for not just being here but working endlessly to care for me and the kids. You weren't feeling good either, but the Lord strengthened you and gave you the grace you needed for each day. Thank you for praying with me and for pointing me to scripture when I was weary. Even when you were traveling, you made yourself available and you cheered me up with a fun and yummy scavenger hunt on V-DAY while you were away. Thanks for not only playing with Noah, but training him and planting seeds in his life, teaching him about the Bible and how to pray. You redeemed the time you had with him well. He loves you so much. And as for Chloe, thanks for cleaning all the blow outs and helping out with the morning feedings. You were a great stay-at-home mom :) Thank you for really living out Ephesians 5:25 and giving up your life for me and for loving me as Christ loved the church. I am so undeserved. It was hard to cancel all the fun things on our agenda, but looking back, God had bigger and better plans for us and for our marriage. This month has opened my eyes even more to see God's mercy and kindness. What an awesome God we serve. I love you so much!