Thursday, August 18, 2011

20 mths & all boy

We are having so much with Noah these days. He's getting big so fast and we are discovering and loving his personality. I just wanted to blog some things I want to remember.

We went to the Gaithersburg airpark today, and you loved watching the planes take off. Your senses are so sharp and your dad and I laugh when you hear or see a plane from galaxies away. You instantly throw your hands up and point to the sky at the sound of an engine. You love trucks too. We just had a 6 hour drive to and back from NC, and you whoo whoo'd at them all. We went with Tata and Gido, and they couldn't get enough of you. They hate saying goodbye to you.

Your favorite toys are the vacuum, popper, lawn mower, any ball, our car, and dada's shoes. Your favorite songs are the ones you like to do motions to- "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes", "If You're Happy and You Know It", and "This Little Light of Mine" (this one you like in Arabic too). However, you're favorite song is the one you wake up singing to and point at my Ipod for me to play. The song is "Christ is Risen." You only know 2 words of it right now, and you get SO excited befor the part plays. The words are "Oh da, " as the words to the song are "Oh death where is your sting? Oh Hell, Where is your Victory?, Oh Church..." You don't miss any of those "Oh's." You are starting to say more words, but we love when you poke us and say "mama" and "dada."

You're starting to help out by handing me the groceries to put away, putting your dishes in the sink, and wiping away your messes. You are starting to eat well with a spoon and a fork unless it's yogurt. You get too excited and use your hands. I can dip just about anything in yogurt an you'll eat it. You love to help out and get frustrated if you can't. Today you brought me your broken keyboard and pointed to where I keep the batteries for me to change them out. Unfortunately it really was broken, and you gasped when you saw it in the trash can. I hope to find you another one. You love music. You will only watch T.V if there is singing & motions involoved.

You know where Chloe is, and sometimes you think she's in your belly. You're going to be a great big brother. You're a good friend to your best buddy, Makenna, assuring her paci is always in her mouth. And you love to feed her :) There have been some conflicts between you two, but over all we've seen lots of growth and you now play so well together. We love you so much and will never be able to express the amount of joy you have brought into our lives.

you in dada's baseball jersey when he was 5

Makenna going in for a kiss from you

first bike ride

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Little Inn at Washington & Luray Caverns

We celebrated our 3rd anniversary early this year. We went somewhere in VA to the Little Inn at Washington. It was a delightful time as long as I didn't think about the tab after our 3 hour and 7 course meal at the Inn. Danny had to keep reminding me that we had 2 free night stays at the Marriot and that we would probably never do this again.

The atmosphere there and more importantly, the food was absolutely amazing. I giggled so much just from being there. The couple beside us ordered so much wine, and every time it came by, we heard the wine specialist give a 10 minute dissertation on each wine. We tried to record him, but were unsuccessful. Clearly, it wasn't this couples first time. I wonder what they were thinking as I snapped pictures of everything we ate :) (Yes I know...simple minds, simple pleasures). Our new camera has arrived and we wanted to play with it. Here are some pics of our favorite dishes, but I can't remember what exactly we ate. We also hit the Luray Caverns the following day.

Danny, Thanks again for an amazing time! I really enjoyed recounting all that the Lord has done and worked through in our lives the past 3 years. Hasn't He been so good? I really am so amazed at how perfectly you were designed for me in every detail! I am so happy being married to you as we walk through life together. Thank you for your desire to bless me through this trip when you could have planned a dinner at Panera to make me happy. Happy Anniversary hubster!

July Beach trip

I can't believe it's August already. I am so far behind in posting as our days and weekends have been so full. We spent 9 days at Bethany beach back in July and had a few days there with Mom-mom and Grandpa. As much as we love the beach, we were so pooped (literally as Noah had diarrhea the entire week) that we came home a day early to rest. It was such a great time and our over-stimulated child enjoyed every minute of it. One of our favorite moments was when we were at Rehobeth, and they had to stop the swing ride he was on to take down a crying kid. Noah wasn't too thrilled and started signing "more please" to the operator. We are proud parents of our little beach bum :)

Loved the planes that flew by! I plan on taking him to an airport this week.

Loved all the rides in Rehobeth...

but maybe would rather be at the beach

and a toy for Noah from dada's win in skee ball