Thursday, April 21, 2011

My bday at Filomenas

Yesterday was my birthday, and I couldn't have asked for a better day. The hubster was supposedly out of town until Thursday, but being the man I know him to be, he surprised me a day early. I guess you could say it was a surprise. Like I said, I know him too well and yes I was suspicious, but not until the day before. He did good. I walked into the kitchen that morning finding a vase of flowers and a card awaitng me. Who needs Proflowers when you got the Devries? So my cousins were "supposedly" picking me up for dinner, but long story short, I was able to meet and greet my knight in shining armor a day early. Surprise!

Here's the good part. We went to Georgetown and ate at Filomenas, an Italian restaurant. YUM, YUM, YUM! I can't get over how amazing the food was. It was reasonably priced, and I was so excited to have enough for lunch the next day. Unfortunately, Danny finished his plate, but if he wasn't so embarrassed by me I would've asked them to box his leftover white sauce. I don't think I could ever eat at another Italian place. At first I was alarmed with their holiday decor. It was pretty scary how many Easter bunnies there were in that place. There were bunnies in baskets hanging everywhere. Anyway, we topped off the night with a walk and a strawberry chocolate crepe at Snap, and it was just a very enjoyable evening. I felt like we were dating :) And did I mention the gorgeous weather that day? Much needed for someone with seasonal affective disorder. I did take pictures! A few of the bunnies and one of us...

bunny in convertible

bunnies greeting you at the entrance

bunny in a bicycle (from the ceiling)
the happy couple

Monday, April 11, 2011

Expecting, Noah, and St. Thomas

The title pretty much sums up the past month or so. We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of baby Sutton number 2 in early October! This pregnancy has been pretty much the same as the first- nauseated, vomiting and narcoleptic. I seriously can sleep on demand. I'm hoping the symptoms will get better sooner than it did with Noah though. It's been really tough at times, but there has been much grace. I must say one of the biggest blessings has been having the Devries living downstairs. Hannah has blessed Danny with dinner several times sparing him from consecutive nights of PBJ :) I really need a seperate post on how wonderful it's been having them live here!

With the influence of his friend Makenna, who pretty much started walking from birth, Noah finally started walking on his own at 15 months. He still does the Frankenstein maneuver to help keep his balance, but he's doing it! His latest toys/obsessions has been the vacuum and the vitamix. He will sit outside both the closet and the cabinet where they are stored and "whoo whoo" for long periods. My dad will vacuum the whole house when he's here to make him happy. No complaints there. And mommy consoles him when they are turned off. We took him to the zoo on the one warm day we had in March, and the kid was pretty bored. All the animals we looked at- elephants, gorillas, lions, and tigers were prety much stationary. None of them moved so they had his attention for only a few seconds. He did enjoy the little jumping monkeys in the ape house. All that to say, Baby Einstein's, Old Macdonald is much more enjoyable for a 15 month old. He's learning to say "E-I-E-I-O" too. It still sounds more like "O-O-O-O-O." I still think he's a smart cookie.

And finally, we went to St. Thomas for 5 days last week, and what can I say? It was absolutely beautiful! Noah stayed at home with my parents, and did awesome. It was the club trip for Danny's job which is always a fun and FREE treat. You get really cool free stuff while you're there too. One of the highlights was spending time with our good friends, Paul and Lauren Rohwer. Lots of laughs and memories hoarding bottled water, eating the worlds best chocolate desert, dodging from iguanas and our all time fave, snorkeling. I lost our camera before we left (surprise, surprise) so I will post some pics up when I get them from Lauren, our photographer. And the second highlight was being upgraded to first class for FREE on the plane ride home. What a treat- a free meal with a warm chocolate chip cookie, a lemon in my always filled glass of water, and a chair I could actually sleep in. Danny and I were giggling the whole time with excitement that neither one of us slept. It was fun, but a tutorial on where and how to get the tray out would have been helpful. It was a much needed and relaxing trip. Ok, now for some random pics..

Noah's encouragement note for his sick momma (thanks for the help dada)

making a messCleaning his mess. He really is domesticated-don't know where he get's it from making another mess loving his vacuum

trying on clothes

enjoying monkeys March Madness time! not enjoying the Lions