Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 months

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord." Psalm 127:3
I can't believe how big our sweet potato is. He went from baby to boy so quickly! He's at 23 pounds and 31 inches :) We're measuring 97th percentile in height, so the basketball scholarship is still looking good :) This past Sunday, we dedicated Noah to the Lord. Our pastor soberly reminded us of our calling as parents. He encouraged us and prayed for us. We understand it is not the church's responsibility to save our child, but we are so grateful for God's design in it. Already in this early and short season, we have been served so effectively by our pastor (Erik and his wife Jerusha), our caregroup, and many other friends.

It was our joy to dedicate you to the Lord. What a delightful gift that God has entrusted in our hands. You bring so many smiles and laughs into our home. God has been so good to us! We pray for you daily, asking God to transform you heart that you might come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. With God's help, we will be faithful to teach you what he has taught us. We love you so much, and I can't wait for you to understand that!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October fun

I just love the fall. What' s better than perfect weather, changing leaves, pumpkin picking, and a grilled cheese sandwich with a bowl of tomato soup? We started this month with our semi-annual camping trip with the Sutton family at Cunningham falls. I never thought I would really enjoy camping, but at the times we go there are NO bugs! Just a fun family, wood-chopping, yummy food off the grill, long hikes to the waterfalls, cozy nights by the campfire, and of course the smore's :)

half of the fam

The happy campers after their first night in the camper :)

featuring the Chadid's

We came home and unpacked the fall clothes and repacked our summer clothes for Hawaii! So much for the Fall! The time period following Noah's delivery was a trialing time for us in so many ways. It was during that season we became so aware of God's provision for us, and his love and care for us through the gift of our parents. To express our gratitude, Danny and I took them to Oahu. Here were some of our favorite highlights...

16 hours of travel, and here's our angel baby

Waiting for dinner (half of entree's & sushi!).
I think I had the best meals ever that week.

Surf lessons at Waikiki Beach

mommy-lovin time

First train ride

Joyfully receiving fresh limes at the Dole pineapple plantation .
(I'm sure my mom was sad she couldn't bring some home).

Being happily married & showing off the lei I made :)

Our parent's watched Noah, while Danny and I went to
dinner. This was our view from our table.

Pearl Harbor

Enduring another long day

Sunset dinner cruise