Monday, August 30, 2010


Yesterday I put Noah down for a nap. About 30 minutes later I though he was sleeping, but I kept hearing some rustling noises. I went upstairs to peep on him, and I wish I caught a picture. He had pulled off his diaper and placed it over his face. As soon as he heard me, he pulled it off and greeted me with a big smile followed by a giggle. I just love him! Needless to say his crib sheets needed to be changed :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Danny surprised me with a trip to Williamsburg this past weekend for our anniversary. Danny's mom came to watch Noah while we were away for 2 nights. I must say, it was great sleeping in past 7 am :) We enjoyed the quaint town very much and the undistracted time to recount God's grace and goodness to us in our marriage. I am so happy being married to my best friend. Thank you for a wonderful time cookie!
Smiles after a delicious breakfast at the Williamsburg Inn

Being our silly selves. Sometimes I wonder what our kiddos will be like...

A romantic dinner at Shield's Tavern. Did I mention the soloist who sang to us for our anniversary? "You're love is like a red, red, rose..." yeah, that's all we remember.

Noah's first beach trip

We went to the beach this month with the grandparents and Aunt Susan. I did a poor job taking pictures, but I did get a few of Noah :) Still no Sutton yet that doesn't love the beach...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 years ...

since I married the man beyond my dreams! That day went by so fast, but I do remember that I couldn't stop cheesing and how shiny Danny's head looked under the auditorium lights :)

Love, I am so happy being married to you! Waking up to you every morning is a fresh reminder of God's grace in my life. You remind me daily of Christ's sacrificial love for me. Thank you for the way you love me faithfully and joyfully, especially in my times of sickness. I love how God has used our marriage to grow our trust in him and to draw our hearts closer to His word. There couldn't have been a more suitable leader for me. I love you.