Thursday, July 22, 2010

a pretty sight

I looked out our family room window after the rain the other day and this is what I saw...
My camera along with my nonexistent photography skills don't do it enough justice. It was the clearest rainbow I had ever seen. It looked like the one I use to draw as a little girl minus the 2 clouds at the end.

Monday, July 19, 2010

7 months

Its hard to believe Noah is already 7 months! All 19 lbs and 7 ounces of him :) I was so sad putting more little clothes away and washing all the 12 month outfits. I'm really enjoying this stage. He's sitting up, rolling (if he really has to), eating everything I puree (giving me more confidence in the kitchen), babbling/squealing, and teething as tooth #4 is almost here! The first 2 things people point out about him is how joyful and content he is. I love how easy it is to get him to smile and laugh. He has brought so much joy to our lives! Here's a few favorite moments:

sleeping swaddle free

learning to use the remote

more importantly, learning to read

working on the basketball scholarship

first dip in the pool

just being cute

first peas (which he loves)

contagious smiles

more smiles

Monday, July 12, 2010

eating "mor chikin"

Danny and I love both Chick-fil-A and free food. July 9 apparently is cow appreciation day. (Thanks to my faithful friend Janet for informing me). Dress up as a cow and your meal is covered. Needless to say, I was there for lunch and dinner. I ate vegetarian the following days.

Noah with Josh and Audrey (who were definitely more interested in a pack of ketchup) and Makenna
And back again for dinner with dad :)